Public WC facilities in Baden

Public WC facilities in Baden

Disabled-accessible, self-cleaning unisex toilets
Use: 50 cents, card payment (NFC) possible
Open: 0-24 hrs



  • Doblhoffpark, Pelzgasse 1 (on the map, point 1)
  • Grüner Markt, Brusattiplatz (on the map, point 2)
  • In the passageway to the right of the town hall, inner courtyard (in map point 3)
  • Kurpark entrance (on the right) (in the plan, point 4)
  • Josefsplatz 14, next to the tobacconist's (in the plan, point 5)

Toilet facilities with winter closure (due to the risk of frost)
Free to use
Open 8 am - 6 pm



  • Holzrechenplatz playground, ladies' and men's toilets (on map, point 6)
  • Weikersdorfer Park playground, unisex (on the map, point 7)
  • Erdzeiselgraben playground, unisex (on the map, point 8)

WC for tourist buses (in the plan, point 9)
Free of charge
Open 10 am - 5 pm
Roseggerstraße 5 (ladies' and men's WC)


WC container during the summer season (on the map, point 2a)
Free of charge
Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Leopoldsbad (Tourist Info), Brusattiplatz 3 (ladies' and men's WC)