Terrainkur Today & Then

General information for spa guests on the Terrain Cure - today

A medical assessment of the individual's state of health and an individually dosed medical therapy prescription (by means of exercise ECG) is a prerequisite for the success of the terrain cure.

The following parameters has to be observe for successful training:

  • Intensity (degree of exertion as a percentage of the individual's maximum performance capacity): 50 to 70 percent (moderately strenuous).
  • Duration: At least 10-20 minutes per training session (stimulus threshold).
  • Frequency: At least 2-3 training sessions per week.
  • Weekly duration: At least 20 to 40 minutes per week at the beginning. By steadily increasing the duration, a total of 150 to 180 minutes (two and a half to three hours) per week should achieved and maintained.

Usually the intensity of a workout is regulate by the heart rate (pulse), which can monitored throughout the entire workout.

According to sports scientist Sonja Janhsen, Baden 2022

General information for spa guests on carrying out the terrain cure prescribed by the spa doctor - at that time

The Baden terrain cure helps to complete the success of the cure if the doctor's prescription (bathing time - rest time - exercise) followed exactly.

The terrain cure used to strengthen the cardiovascular system and for vascular gymnastics; it helps to remedy circulatory deficiencies and movement restrictions following accidents, post-polio conditions, paralysis after strokes and arthrosis; for exercise therapy in osteoporosis and calcium deficiency symptoms; after breathing training and pulmonary gymnastics.

Walks should not undertake immediately before or after bathing.

Do not walk or rest in the blazing sun.

Do not exceed the duration of the prescribed exercise program and take a rest break.

According to Dr. Maximilian Fuchs, Vienna 1906